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Recreating Twitter in no-code | WeWeb & Xano

To showcase the power of no-code, we rebuilt the Twitter dashboard!

No-code unfortunately carries the connotation that it is limited in functionality and design capabilities.

In order to dispel this, we set out to re-create a web app that is used across the globe on a daily basis - Twitter!

It took two days to re-create the UI, and three days to add the custom functionality.
Yep - It took just 5 days to build this using no-code, that's how powerful tools such WeWeb and Xano are.

We wanted to have a bit of fun with it, so we added an integration with OpenAI to generate replies from celebrities 😃.

Check it out here:

Want to learn more about how we did it?

Check out the webinar we did with Quentin from the WeWeb team discussing our build process:

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